
January 9, 2012

I'm typing this on my iPhone so I'm not sure how grammatically correct this will end up. I'm laying in bed trying to get on student teaching schedule.

This is it. This is my last semester of college, perhaps of school in general. Of course at this time I get all nostalgic. Of course when am I not. It doesn't help that Aaron and I have been looking for videos and pictures of us when we were cute to make a wedding video.

My how things have changed. Sometimes I wish I could forget about the pain and suffering of the past. I can't complain, though. I feel like my life is one big story of God's love and protection over me. I have such a peace of not knowing what my future holds. In fact, I am way less sure of what the future holds now than when I was a freshman.

I sure am happy. I am not one to be sappy in public, besides the five day count down on Aaron's wall. God has blessed me with someone who is the bee's knees. It starts four years before I ever met him.

At my school, we didn't have sex Ed. We had a purity class. Now the only thing I really remember for that class (besides the obvious overall objective of that class) is we made a list of our perfect guy. My list included that he must not only be a Christian, but passionately pursuing Him ;love his mom ;like sports but not necessarily be athletic; have good taste in music; make me laugh; be a good leader. Those are just a few examples of my long list. Well God took that and ran! Who knew that my future husband not only hit every single item on that list, he lived five minutes away from me since eighth grade and we would be each other's first kiss.

I prayed to God that He wouldn't send me someone until we were ready. That doesn't mean I was patient. I had many people tell me my list was too picky. I almost listened to them a couple of times. I got frustrated with God because no one who came close to my list pursued me. It wasn't until I was actually content with being single did God open my eyes to Aaron.

I guess the whole point to this blog is to give hope to those who are getting frustrated with God's timing. Trust me, He has an amazing plan. This story is just a glimpse into how much God has protected me with His timing.