
June 29, 2015

Thou Canst Not Stir a Flower Without Troubling a Star

#15 Tuesday 

After a crazy first day of VBS, the second day went rather smooth! I was really excited about the curriculum this year. The first day talked about Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for us. The rest of the week's bible stories focused on the book of Daniel, but it all related back to Jesus. I think the kids really responded to it!

#16 Wednesday

Here is a recipe for peanut butter cookies that just takes four ingredients. I used three because I lacked chocolate chips. Peanut butter cookies are a great comfort food for my dad so I try to bake them for him when I am home. I am sure he wouldn't mind testing these out for me.

#17 Thursday 

Traditionally, on Thursdays after morning rally, we talk to the third through sixth grade students about becoming a Christian. Aaron got the privilege of doing that and he did an awesome job. He did a great job of presenting the facts clearly and personally without trying to convince the kids. I am quite smitten with that man. :)

We also have parent night on Thursdays. Each group performs a song they learned during VBS and then we provide a dinner afterward. We added an "open house" element so parents could look around the church and see the different activities the kids were involved in. I think the response was great! I loved seeing the community at our church! 

#18 Friday 

Can I just say VBS is a very exhausting week? I am still recovering. I absolutely love this posed picture of everyone "sleeping!" I am sure a lot of them went home and did just that!

#19 Saturday

After clean-up on Friday, Aaron and I did nothing but relax. On Saturday, we went to Lubbock. I got my pedicure, Aaron got his haircut. We went shopping and saw "Jurassic World" in IMAX.

#20 Sunday

I think crock pot meals are a good metaphor for how Sunday afternoons should go: slow and fulfilling. 

#21 Monday

I love when I find a book I can't put down, which is pretty much any Madeline L'Engle book. I love the worlds she creates and I want to be friends/part of the family of the main characters. Her books are intelligent, yet easily accessible. Today, I got to spend my first day of vacation going on a trip to Antarctica. 

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