
November 27, 2014

The Unspoken Rules of the Thanksgiving Table

Julia and Julia is playing in the background (the ladies won that battle), the dog is snoring, the men are talking cars, and Mimi is watching videos about cats with a sweet smile on her face. This year is Aaron's side of the family's turn with Thanksgiving. Although I have eaten at a variety of Thanksgiving tables throughout the course of my young life, I have discovered there is a list of unspoken rules that occur at these tables, no matter what location or who surrounds it. Here is the condensed version:

1. Stories that have been told 100 times will be told a 101th time.

2. The Thanksgiving meal will never start on time.

3. Something will be spilled or broken (usually by yours, truly).

4. A comment will be made on how Thanksgiving has snuck up on them.

5. Someone else will comment on how everyone's head is in their electronic devices

6. It takes a lot of convincing to get the men away from the football game once dinner is finally ready.

7. A forgotten dish will be remembered once everyone is finally in their place at the table, causing the person positioned closest to the kitchen to retrieve it, along with 10 other forgotten items.

8."I will never eat like that again," will be uttered.

9. Turkey will sedate the consumer.

10. No one is happy with the Cowboys.

Of course, there are traditions that belong to different branches of family, but these universal rules of the Thanksgiving table are as comfortable as a thousand blankets.

November 24, 2014

Deck the Hills

Deck the Hills with blankets and vicks.
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough
Tis the season to be sneazy 
sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze

Don we now our sweats and hoodies 
cough cough cough, sneeze sneeze sneeze, cough cough cough
Troll the ancient songs of sickness. 
sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze, sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze. 

Turn the heat up, it's really cold.
cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough 
No, nevermind I'm hot as Texas
Sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze 

Follow me and you'll get sick 
cough cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough cough
Wait, I'll spray with disinfectant
sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze, sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze 

Fast away this weekend passes 
cough cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough cough 
Hail the new week, swollen eyes 
sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze, sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze
Now we are coughing all together
Cough cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough
If only we had more sick days off. 
Sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze! 

cough cough cough, sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze! 

Hope you enjoyed the oh, so clever parody (cough, cough). It may not be clever, but it is the song of this household. We seem to be in that time of year when one of us is sick for a week, then the other takes over, and then we have two weeks in between of being healthy. 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's hard being married to a teacher. 

November 8, 2014

Let's Pawty

Today we had a birthday party for Lucy because why not? If she is going to be my subsitute baby, we might as well treat her like it. 

To start, I played the part of making her wear a birthday outfit she had no desire of wearing...
and she played her part by rolling her eyes, fighting me on it, and finally complying to make me happy.

We made up for the embarassing photo- op with yummy treats.

My  dog usually takes her sweet time eating food so we knew she really liked it because she ate this right up. 

Oh, and Lucy made sure the festive hat wouldn't bother her again.

As you can see, it was quite the chore getting a somewhat decent picture...

Until next time, pawty on!