If you were at my place of employment around 6:30 tonight, you would have heard two women yelling, "NOOOOOOOOO!"
That's right, folks. It is the quarterly "teacher vs. computer" face off. Our students had a half day so the teachers could get the second nine weeks report cards out. Because we do standard based checklists instead of grades, it takes us longer than average to input all of the information. In our case, around seven hours.
I finished my roster's grades around six and I went to help my co-teacher finish her's. She was in the final stage of the battle,the last of the subjects, reading.
That is not a small feat, my friends.
We just finished inputting all of the (I am going to say this because I can't think of a different word) grades in the biggest section. She clicked "save" but it was not fast enough. The slow computer timed out and all of our work was in vain.
Technology won. We went home. Defeated.
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