I came home to find Aaron cooked dinner for us- brats, beans, and cornbread. What a tribute to the autumn season!
Day 296

You get to see this exciting picture of a copier because that was most of my view Wednesday night. The school's printers have been down for over a month and on top of that, the copiers went down. I therefore, commandeered Aaron's office for the evening.
Day 297

Today was the junior-high's homecoming and the fifth graders are invited every year to attend. Some of the activities included toilet papering teachers, pie-ing cheerleaders, and having a dance off in the middle of the gym.
Day 298

This weekend we planned on going to the West Texas area band contest in Odessa. Not only was Seagraves a participant, but one of Aaron's best friends is a director of a band that was competing. We drove to Stanton Friday night so we could help my in-laws move heavy furniture into their newly-built home.
Day 299

Aaron and I got to the competition in plenty of time to see both bands we were supporting perform. It was a lot of fun watching the different shows. My school growing up attempted two different times to have a band, and neither of them worked out. Therefore, I hadn't really been exposed to that world until I started dating my band-nerd of a husband.
Day 300

After such an exciting weekend, I was too sick to do anything, including church or catch up on grades. I have been fighting off a cold all week and it finally caught up to me.
Day 301

I am so excited to finally post this on my blog! I had been planning this for over a month but I couldn't say anything because my mom reads these (hi mom!).It was my mother's milestone birthday and I wanted to do something special for her. Unfortunately, I live 381 miles away and her birthday falls around report card time so there was no way I could make it. Instead, I hosted a surprise birthday for her. I sent my dad a "birthday party in a box" with instructions on how to put it together. My dad, not being the "party guy" delegated it to my grandmother. It was a great turn out and I got to attend via Skype. I will post more pictures up once they get sent to me by various party attenders. Happy annual thirtieth birthday mom!
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