During reading time, we had the kids play comprehension games. All the board games were different for each group but they essentially had the same idea: roll a die, pick up a card and answer the questions that follow. The kids loved it and it was a great way for us to informally assess them to see where they are.
Day 240

I've been wanting to make a wreath and I finally got around to it. I am pretty proud of the result. When it comes to doing crafts, I follow the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid).
Day 241

The first varsity home game isn't for a couple of weeks so we decided to go to the JV football game. Aaron has such a passion for sports, so he was beyond thrilled to go. I like going because I love the traditions of high school football and the memories from my childhood swarm my mind every time I sit in the bleachers. It is really cool to have a common goal with complete strangers. It is also really cool that I eventually will get to know all of the 'complete strangers.' Small town living really has its perks.
Day 242

It is really difficult to figure out how to have "controlled chaos" with all the fifth graders in one room. Right now it is just chaos. We have changed our schedule, our groups, and our lesson plans every day this week. This is our latest schedule and I am very confident in it. I really enjoy the teachers I work with, not just in my grade level. Everyone is willing to share what is working and not working in their classroom.
Day 243

Aaron and I hosted a "Christmas in August" party at our house for people interested in being in the Christmas musical at our church. We had a great group of people, which made it so much fun. We played a Christmas trivia game, Lucy helped by playing with the kids, and our guests got to open presents from us, which was their copy of the musical. It was such great fun. The only disappointing thing was having to take the Christmas decorations down, knowing it is a long way away.
Day 244

Today is Aaron's birthday! His parents came down and got to see him lead a choir rehearsal and Sunday night worship.
Day 245

Aaron's parents took us shopping in Lubbock to buy him some clothes for his birthday. Sorry for the blurry picture. Aaron and the cashier were wearing similar shirts so I was trying to subtly take a picture. My mission was compromised when the in-laws asked what I was taking a picture of in the true Hill nature, which is not subtle. Aaron then tried to make a quick escape. So this is my picture.
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