Today was the junior high and high school Life Skill's prom thrown together by Lee High School's philanthropy class. The four kids who showed up looked beautiful and I was so excited they had this opportunity.
Day 134
These creepy eyes were staring at me as I was "powdering my nose." I decided that I no longer want to visit the ladies room at "Smiling Moose."
Day 135
A lot of our kids have grown up together, being in the same Life Skills class in elementary school so it is really cool seeing the relationships that develop. The higher functioning kids are huge helps to the low functioning. Sometimes the kids listen better to them than the teachers.
Day 136
It was one of our kid's birthdays and she is obsessed with Justin Beiber. I was thinking it would be a "no problem" trip going to Wal-Mart. I had to walk around Wal-Mart several times and of course you can't ask anyone who works there. I finally found a watch. She already had a Beiber watch but I figured she could start a collection or just be happy she got something with the YouTube sensation on it.
Day 137
Every time Aaron and I go shopping we always laugh at the organization of items at the grocery store.
Day 138
I woke up this morning to seeing that our church announced on Facebook that they were going to give us a pounding. Aaron definitely had to explain that to me. It is basically where people buy you a bunch of groceries. Our cabinets are now filled with every type of food you could fit in a can, a life-time supply of paper towels and cleaning products, and a lot of gift cards and money. This is a church who loves to serve and is very loving. Aaron and I are very blessed to be here.
Day 139
I don't have a picture. I use my phone to take pictures of things and I spent two hours of my day on hold. Pretend there is a picture of a phone. I thought about photoshopping my head onto the Hulk but the grumpy cat within me said:

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