Day 71
This is part of my commute; isn't it beautiful? I have completely embraced West Texas and I love it! Aaron and I have both expressed this week how much we feel at home in Midland- West Texas in general. We love the people and feel the area has a unique beauty to it. The culture has helped me slow down, really appreciate people, and have genuine conversations with them. I feel like it has helped me grow up. I apologize to the people of Abilene, because it took me a while to take pride in the place.
Day 72
Aaron's mom is going through the stage every parent eventally reaches; handing over the childhood toys and papers to the grown-child to which they belong. Aaron and I had a lot of fun looking through all of his "speshll stuf". He was obsessed with indians and they kept a lot of old stories that he wrote about them when he was four. See if you can figure this one out:
At Aaron's preschool graduation they introduced him by saying, "this is Aaron and he loves indians."
Day 73
Today, we moved the pets to the new house. Actually, Lucy had already been sleeping there with us, but she was "helping" us move. Lucy has been using the cat's crate to sleep in, but of course I left that at the house; therefore, I had to hold on to both animals as we took them to Stanton. Lucy (the puppy) immediately went to sleep and didn't stir even when Barney (the cat) climbed all over her while he was trying to make the world as he knew it stop moving.
Day 74
The rest of the family went into town while I decided to stay home and unpack some. I got the whole kitchen finished and got the guest room ready for Aaron's sister, who is coming for a visit. After about four or five hours I couldn't stand to look at another box, so Lucy and I explored the camp. I introduced her to the horses. Lucy stood at a distance, as you can see, and barked very meekly.
Day 75
This really sweet couple from the church my father-in-law is music minister at is moving, so the choir threw a going-away party. It was probably the most fun I have had at a party. The couple who had it at their house has a real knack for hosting. The food was delicious and they ordered these great candied apples from Idaho that were shipped that day. We had a great time singing hymns and listenening to some guitar playing.
Day 76
Today was the first Sunday out of the next three that Aaron lead worship at the Church with which we're talking. The pastor apparently thinks like I do because he introduced us and said that we were dating the church right now. We loved meeting everyone (and eating all the homemade barbecue). The drive is only 1 1/2 hours and is a straight shot, so it's not bad at all.
Day 77
This is a picture of me editing my blog today. I have to do it in Starbucks because we don't have any internet in Stanton. I love hearing all the conversations of the different people that come in here. I wonder if I look like I belong in a coffee shop or if I am a poser.
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