Day 43
Today was the first day I ever celebrated Mardi Gras. No beads were awarded in the celebration of this day. One of the kids in my class has parents who are Cajun so they brought us a king cake to eat. Although this is the first King Cake I ever ate, I can testify that HEB makes a mean cake. The tradition is to put a trinket of "baby Jesus" in the cake and whoever eats the piece with the trinket is the "King". None of us knew that and didn't discover the baby until it was too late. Although I don't think it is a bad idea to fast from certain things to bring you closer to God, I don't agree with the whole sinning on purpose thing that goes right before that. I guess that is part of what makes me a Protestant.
Day 44

Wednesday night consisted of the same routine at church. I did give the preschool choir a valentine card but there are only four members so that didn't take much prep work. After church Aaron and I went shopping for some supplies for the Valentine’s Day cards I made for the kids. I love cheesy puns. I had a friend in drama class who could whip them out like nobody's business.
Day 45
Day 46
Tuesday the in-laws are heading to Tennessee for a math convention, so while the men were doing the typical Saturday tradition of working on Aaron's truck, the ladies went shopping. Whenever my mother fantasized about adopting a little girl, she imagined we would go shopping and play Babies together. Instead, she got a girl who would rather climb trees and has zero tolerance for shopping. Well mom, if you are reading this, I am sorry you never actually got to buy an outfit while shopping with me. I am sure I will get to experience the joys of an impatient daughter someday. I am still not sure how to behave when I go shopping with someone. Am I supposed to go try on outfits while people wait? Am I supposed to show off my outfits and ask their opinion? Am I supposed to pick out outfits at all? What is the proper time one is supposed to be in the store? What are you supposed to talk about while shopping? Where is Emily Post when you need her?
Day 48
I have this nightly ritual to put the puppy to bed. Lucy sleeps in a crate at night and we read that we have to make the crate seem really safe. Whenever you get Lucy to stop moving she immediately goes to sleep, so I basically rock her to sleep and then put her into her crate. This particular night she went to bed really quickly. Ten minutes later I see the cat walk out of the room and Lucy starts whining. I figured the cat just messed with her and ignored it. I usually don't like to encourage whining so I let her whine herself to sleep. The following morning, Aaron wakes up to see this. Apparently the cat knocked the crate over. The poor thing's bed was toppled over and she had to just live with it. Bad pet parenting award.
Day 49
Today was another teacher work day. Because we just had one less than a month ago, there wasn't much for me to do. So I deep cleaned the classroom and got materials ready for STAAR alt. while movies were playing in the background.
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