Also, I added a new page! Blog Babble is a page dedicated to websites that are on the same subjects of my post of the previous week. For example I mentioned Bill Cosby's sweaters so there is a link to a website devoted to The Cosby Show's wardrobe.
So, I will have the list of websites up every Sunday and a new blogpost every Monday.
Day 8
The lunchboxes are back! Back in high school I had a pretty large collection of vintage looking lunchboxes. I think my first one had a theme of "I Love Lucy." Tuesday was my first day to show up to work (check out my previous post for more information on that). The teacher I am an assistant for was on bed-rest, so we combined the two life skills classes into one until she came back. I find I have more patience for special ed kids than for bratty general ed students.
Day 9
About a month ago, Aaron and I volunteered to take over children's choir at my in-law's church. I completely forgot all about it and came home from work only to find out that today was the day we were taking it over, and it is not the children's choir but the preschool. Having the servant heart that I do, I let Aaron lead everything and I supported him. I know that isn't what you call "giving your best" but maybe next week I will feel more prepared, and actually help out.
Day 10
Nothing really exciting happened today, so here is a picture of Aaron and his groomsmen as King of the Hill characters drinking coke because we are baptist:
Cameron as Bill, Aaron as Hank, Jeff as Dale, Jeremy D. as Boomhauer, and Jeremy E. as Kahn. I had to get a seperate picture for Kahn because I couldn't find one of him with the group until after I edited the first one. Men, you are welcome. P.S. Through this experience I discovered that "Kahn" is an anagram of "Hank."
Day 11
Our last wedding present arrived! We got to choose from a list of different gifts on We decided to get a tent because we both have loved the idea of going camping together, plus we already got all the kitchen gadgets we could ever think of. The logical thing to do when one gets a new tent is to set it up on your bed and throw the cat in there. As you can see, he is quite fond of it. The sounds of it moving really freak him out.
My wedding pictures I ordered online came in today as well. I got a coupon through shutterfly to get fifty free prints so I had to make a selection throughout all my pictures. It was ridiculously hard narrowing them down. I ended up just ordering my ceremony photos for now, well until I find another coupon through Frugal Girls.
Day 12
About a month ago, we sent Aaron's truck to Lubbock to be painted. It's a 1956 dodge they found in a pasture. All the parts are courtesy of ebay. Today, we got to pick it up!
Apparently, it is the talk of the town in Lubbock. MAACO said once they have the truck together and running to send them pictures so they can put it in their advertisements. Now if only we can keep the men of the house motivated...
While we were in Lubbock, we bought a lamp from Kirklands. When we brought it back and discovered that we had to rearrange the living room in order for it to fit. We ended up not being able to watch the Miss America Pagent, like I intended to. One of my birth relatives is Miss Kentucky. By the time we got the T.V. to work, the pageant was over.
Day 13
After rearranging the house so the lamp could feel comfortable in it's new environment, I decided to sit down and finish reading Anna Karenina. Gilmore Girls is one of my beloved T.V. shows and I found a "Rory Gilmore" reading list. That was one of the books. Thanks to my "Good Reads" app, I can keep that list and read some of the books online, and after you rate twenty books, they will start suggesting books for you to read.
Day 14
Even though half of my job description includes dealing with every type of bodily fluid you could think of, I decided eating sushi for lunch would be a good idea. I am required to take a thirty minute lunch break even though I could just as easily eat while the kids are eating. But if it is required to eat lunch alone while questionable fluids are drying on my clothes and the smell of middle school body odor lingers in the air, than eat in solitude I must do.
Can't quit laughing at the picture of the guys as the king of the hill gang....oh and jeff as dale is perfect,!